Ibaadat Foundation, A Charitable Trust established under the Indian Trusts Act

68 shows till now

Entry is free.

Safarnãmã-e-Ishq, Jaipur 12th August, 2023

At the invitation of Shri Sanjay Agarwal, Managing Director & CEO of AU Small Finance Bank Ltd., Ibaadat designed this new show for a large, but private, audience. A new script was written to depict the journey of love from adolescence to marriage, covering the ups and downs, and happiness and sorrow. The 2-hour script covered a total of 101 shers and 85 songs, sung to live music, each depicting a specific moment in the journey of love.

The show received overwhelming appreciation.

Post-show, Sanjay Agarwal had this to say…
पृथ्वी साहब... इश्क, प्यार, दर्द...ये तो सब में बसता है. पर आप का दिल तो हमेशा ही जवान है. सफ़रनामा-ए-इश्क...ये शाम आप ही ने सोची, आप ही ने create की और आप ही ने सुनाई. आप का काम बहुत ही काबिल-ए-तारीफ है. A big round of applause. ये एक memorable evening थी. यहाँ जटास्य में मैंने इतने सारे events किये हैं पर ये beyond imagination था… और इतनी मेहनत? Thank you पृथ्वी साहब. आप का समय और प्यार देने के लिए बहुत शुक्रिया.

Our Anchors/Actors

Obaid Azam Azmi
Obaid Azam Azmi
Prithvi Haldea
Prithvi Haldea
Vandana Kilam
Vandana Kilam
Nandita Kodesia
Nandita Kodesia

Our Singers

Anand Bahal
Anand Bahal
Supriya Joshi
Supriya Joshi
Sarvesh Mishra
Sarvesh Mishra
Debu Mukherjee
Debu Mukherjee