Ibaadat Foundation, A Charitable Trust established under the Indian Trusts Act
68 shows till now
Entry is free.
There is no enrolment fee or membership fee. Invitation to Ibaadat programmes are sent to poetry-loving friends.
The activities of Ibaadat are funded by
Ibaadat is not open to membership, sponsorships and ticket sales.
Please enrol below to get invited for our future programs.(Passes are issued on first-come-first-serve basis.)
Fields marked with * are mandatory
Please fill in the address at which you would like to receive our communications/passes.
I would like to attend Main to Jaaduu Huun…Anand Bakshi in Ludhiana 8th March, 2025 and will require passes for 1 2 number of persons.
(If your request is for more than 2 persons, please send complete details to haldea@ibaadatindia.org)
Type below the characters you see in the picture above.