Ibaadat Foundation, A Charitable Trust established under the Indian Trusts Act

68 shows till now

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Tribute to Deepali Joshi Shah

DeepaliJoshiShah Deepali was the lead singer at Ibaadat’s inaugural programme - Rooh-e-Majrooh - in Delhi on 12th November, 2011 (and was very excited about performing at the Rooh-e-Majrooh programme in Mumbai in March, 2012). In this show, the opening number was a recording of the following song in Deepali’s voice, which was rendered in a pitch dark theatre with just a shama on the stage. This haunting song was Ibaadat’s tribute to Majrooh Sultanpuri. The audience was mesmerized.

हमारे बाद अब महफ़िल में अफ़साने बयाँ होंगे
बहारें हम को ढूँढेंगी, न जाने हम कहाँ होंगे

During the show, Deepali enthralled the audience with some more Majrooh songs:

चाँद फिर निकला मगर तुम न आये
हम हैं मता-ए-कूचा-ओ-बाज़ार
आपने याद दिलाया तो मुझे याद आया
उठाए जा उनके सितम
छोड़ दो आँचल ज़माना क्या कहेगा
हम ने तो दिल को आपके कदमों
वो जो मिलते थे कभी
ये दिल सुन रहा है

Fittingly, the show concluded with Deepali’s homage to Majroohsaheb with the song:

रहें ना रहें हम, महका करेंगे
बन के कली, बन के सबा, बाग़े वफ़ा में

Little did any one realize that the first and the last song Deepali sang at the show were her own prophetic messages to the audience.

God decided to bring Deepali to his own kingdom. This warm and lovely person, who had gone to Kuwait to perform, left us for her heavenly abode in a cruel car accident on 27th January, 2012.

Deepali hailed from the Dharwad region of Karnataka. Groomed by Pandit Sunil Borgaonkar, she was recognised by Khayyam in the ‘Awaaz ki Duniya' show.

It is said that a good singer has first to be a good human being. No one exemplified this adage more than Deepali.

Ibaadat Foundation will miss Deepali… for ever.