Ibaadat Foundation, A Charitable Trust established under the Indian Trusts Act

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Neeraj-Ek Shaam, Delhi 28th January, 2012

Ibaadat organized a kavi goshthi, Neeraj-Ek Shaam at Peninsula Studio, Delhi on 28th January 2012 which witnessed an electrifying solo poetry recital by legendary Gopal Das “Neeraj”, acknowledged as one of the finest Hindi poets. 

This programme was a resounding success. 

Some messages received...

To spend the entire evening in the presence of Kavi Neeraj was an absolute delight...his poetry is no doubt outstanding, enlightening...but the way he reads it at the age of 88 was exceptional.... One evening that we can never forget for life. Alok Pandey (Jt Secy PMO) and Ritu Pandey 

A memorable evening that will remain etched for long in the heart. Look forward to the next one! Ashok Pal Singh,Dy. Director General, UIDAI


The Poet

Gopal Das 'Neeraj'
Gopal Das "Neeraj"

Our Anchor/Actor

Prithvi Haldea
Prithvi Haldea

Some poems recited by Gopal Das "Neeraj"

Some philosophy by Gopal Das "Neeraj"

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